Estate Planning
Planned Giving

How do you want to be remembered?
If you are ready to create your lasting legacy with the Nathan Adelson Hospice Foundation, you can use FreeWill, a free, online will-writing tool. It guides you through the process of creating your legally valid plans in 20 minutes or less, at no cost to you. Get started on your will today.
For more information on belonging to the Circle of Life
Life Insurance
Life Insurance provides a simple way for you to give a significant gift to Nathan Adelson Hospice, with tax benefits that you can enjoy during your lifetime.
A Planned Gift... A Lasting Legacy
Priscilla Schwartz relocated to Las Vegas in 1991 and quickly made this great city her home. She became actively involved in the community as a volunteer for several local organizations and quickly assumed volunteer leadership roles serving as Director on numerous non-profit organization boards.